King-Meiler dares a peek into the future: "R&D inside a pigs' stable"

"Neue Reifenzeitung" reports within its February edition

Dedicated to the environment protection it was a matter of course for Mark Hinghaus-Kaul to take a closer look at a pyrolisis project in Wallenhorst.

As the "Neue Reifenzeitung", represented at the demonstration by Mrs. Schönfeld, reported in its current edition, near Osnabrück, virtually on the doorstep of Reifen Hinghaus GmbH, it is worked on developing the pyrolisis process since a while.

Initiator Helmut Haneklaus demonstrated his basic version plant, which should separate used tyres into its recycable parts later on, to the audience.

Please read the full article here and also in the current issue of "Neue Reifenzeitung".